Getting Ready to Make a Change: Ask for Help

Even with the best laid plans, change can happen within those! In your own mind, with your partner and family, and with Simply Change, marketing directors, or whomever you have professionally on your team, there could be the best made plan ever. And then, one day you decide you just can’t do that closet you said you would go through. Or you just can’t haul that box up the stairs yourself. Or you just need to talk. Or maybe you just need a hug. That’s when it’s so good to reach out and let someone know, put into place a time on the calendar to get some help with whatever the challenge is.

Change is often not easy, at least not the entire time. We make changes to make things “better”, but a big part of making a change is that we are letting go of something. As we let go, there can be some pain or sadness. It is important to feel that; it is not only part of our human-ness, but it lets us feel more fully the importance of what we are doing. It allows us to free up something inside ourselves to let something new happen for ourselves, to move fully into what’s next. 

There is no situation or plan that requires any suffering. Each step can happen according to your need and your timing. One of our favorite moments was when, tired from packing and processing by themselves, when we arrive to start packing, the clients plop down with a cup of tea to “watch us work”! The reality was that them resting their body allowed them to make decisions with their head while we did the physical part for a while. It is actually helpful and important at times, for your well being, to rest.  

When we move people, we supervise on move day to help everything happen as smoothly as possible, and to get people unpacked into their new home and into their beds that night. Some people like to plan to be present on move day; others go shopping and to lunch then come back to their home at the new place in the late afternoon! Some go on vacation!! Mostly, people go run errands, eat a nice lunch out, then arrive to their new home with most things in place by mid-afternoon. Point being: there are so many ways to approach a change!

Many people plan big moves months in advance, so they have time to thin out items before a move. Others decide it is time, trust us to do a logical downsizing for them, and move more quickly. Whatever the situation is, change can happen within the situation! Just be sure to communicate what you need and how others can help you.

Most of us have more help available to us than we realize, whether it’s friends to have dinner with when our kitchens are packed or marketing directors who want to help us have that great new color on our new walls. We just need to ask. And what goes around comes around, as later it may be you hosting the friends whose kitchen is all packed for their move!

The key is being in touch and letting people know what is going on for you. Most people really want to help and care, and many are so busy taking care of what’s in front of them. Especially when you are going through something big, stay connected to others and ask for anything you need.

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